DRIVER API documentation

1. Introduction

This document gives you all the information necessary to connect external services with our system and send or gather DRIVER data.

Our DRIVER API offers a set of callable methods that you can send requests to. The request type required depends on the method called and is therefore documented specifically for each method. Request parameters must be sent as JSON encoded object (where applicable).

As response you will get a JSON encoded object. In case of a non-successful response, you will get an HTTP error response code and an error message.

The timezone used is the local timezone of the authenticated user.

2. Authentification

All requests to the API must contain an Authorization header. The Authorization header holds either a user token or a driver token, depending on the method called. These tokens are used to identify your user account or a specific driver account.

  Please log in to see your personal user token here. 

Please make sure that your tokens are handled with care. In case your tokens have been compromised, contact us immediately.

Note: As the API is optimised for performance, driver permissions granted through the platform are not taken into account by the API. Therefore, please always use the API token of the user account that owns the relevant entities (drivers) (i.e. the user account which can grant permissions to other users).

3. Response codes

The response will have different HTTP response codes set, based on whether the request has been successful or not. The possible values are:

  code 200 (OK)
  code 400 (Bad Request)
  code 401 (Unauthorized)
  code 405 (Method Not Allowed)
  code 500 (Internal Server Error)

In case of an error you will find further details in the message node of the JSON object.

4. Drivers

4.1. List drivers

  API endpoint: 
  Request type: GET
  Authorization: user [USER_TOKEN, e.g. 392ea8428d10b0392c399c93810045a9] 

Returns a list of all active drivers belonging to the given user.

Request example

curl -X GET \
     -H "Authorization: user 392ea8428d10b0392c399c93810045a9"

Response example
(HTTP response code: 200 OK)

    "id": 1,
    "name": "Maximilian Muster",
    "description": null,
    "group": "Fahrer",
    "driver_token": "1ad35ddc5934cff26c650c7e8d28a395"
    "id": 2,
    "name": "Theresa Test",
    "description": null,
    "group": "Fahrer",
    "driver_token": "ea18e34fdad2e7df67bff06d4025173c"

Response data

Field Description
id The unique ID of the driver which is immutable.
name The name of the driver which can be edited by the user.
description The description of the driver which can be edited by the user. It is an optional field and thus can be null.
group The group of the driver which can be edited by the user.
driver_token The driver token needed to call methods which are based on a specific driver.

4.2. List all drivers

  API endpoint: 
  Request type: GET
  Authorization: user [USER_TOKEN, e.g. 392ea8428d10b0392c399c93810045a9] 

Returns a list of all drivers (active and archived) belonging to the given user. This endpoint equals "4.1. List drivers" but also returns archived drivers. The Response data has an additional boolean field `archived` to distinguish between active and archived drivers.

Please note that it is not possible to retrieve data from the endpoints "5. Account" and "6. Workdays" for archived drivers.

Request example

curl -X GET \
     -H "Authorization: user 392ea8428d10b0392c399c93810045a9"

Response example
(HTTP response code: 200 OK)

    "id": 1,
    "name": "Maximilian Muster",
    "description": null,
    "group": "Fahrer",
    "driver_token": "1ad35ddc5934cff26c650c7e8d28a395",
    "archived": false
    "id": 2,
    "name": "Theresa Test",
    "description": null,
    "group": "Fahrer",
    "driver_token": "ea18e34fdad2e7df67bff06d4025173c",
    "archived": true

Response data

Format of response data equals the one described at "4.1. List drivers" with one additional field:

Field Description
archived Boolean field which determines whether or not the driver is archived.

5. Account

5.1. Get account details

  API endpoint: 
  Request type: GET
  Authorization: driver [DRIVER_TOKEN, e.g. 1ad35ddc5934cff26c650c7e8d28a395] 

Returns all account details about the given driver incl. available time categories, currently active time category and tracker.

Request example

curl -X GET \
     -H "Authorization: driver 1ad35ddc5934cff26c650c7e8d28a395"

Response example
(HTTP response code: 200 OK)

  "mode": "qr",
  "name": "Maximilian Muster",
  "categories": {
    "drive": {
      "title": "Lenkzeit",
      "subcategories": [],
      "icon": "drive",
      "selectable": false
    "standby": {
      "title": "Lenkpause (Arbeitsbereitschaft)",
      "subcategories": [],
      "icon": "standby",
      "selectable": true
    "work": {
      "title": "Sonstige Arbeitszeit",
      "subcategories": {
        "3c16d5": "Büroarbeit",
        "f06c70": "Lagerarbeit",
        "6d0e53": "Sonstiges"
      "icon": "work",
      "selectable": true
    "rest": {
      "title": "Ruhezeit",
      "subcategories": [],
      "icon": "rest",
      "selectable": true
  "category": {
    "category": "drive",
    "subcategory": "",
    "duration": 360,
    "tracker": {
      "title": "Beispielfahrzeug",
      "statuslabels": {
        "0": {
          "title": "Undefiniert",
          "color": "darkgray",
          "private": false
        "3": {
          "title": "Betrieblich",
          "color": "blue",
          "private": false
        "2": {
          "title": "Privat, sichtbar",
          "color": "yellow",
          "private": false
        "1": {
          "title": "Privatfahrt",
          "color": "red",
          "private": true
        "4": {
          "title": "An-/Heimfahrt",
          "color": "black",
          "private": false
      "alert": {
        "id": "123456",
        "address": "Stephansplatz 1, 1010 Wien, Österreich",
        "private": "3",
        "category": "",
        "note": ""
  "tracker": {
    "title": "Beispielfahrzeug"

Response data

Field(s) Description
mode The driver mode which is the same for all drivers of a user. It defines how a driver identifies himself in the system. It can either be "qr" (the driver scans a QR code on the vehicle) or "ibutton" (the driver uses an iButton in the vehicle after a trip has been started).
name The name of the driver (equals the name field in "4.1. List drivers").
categories List of time categories available which can be edited by a technical administrator. Time categories are the same for all drivers of a user. They are indexed by the system value (which can be either "drive", "standby", "work", "rest" or also randomly generated strings for additional categories) and have the following parameters:
  • title: Title of the time category.
  • subcategories: List of optional subcategories. Subcategories are indexed by their system value.
  • icon: An icon for the time category which can be one of the following options: drive, standby, work, rest, car, truck, box, home, industry, briefcase, coffee, cutlery.
  • selectable: Determines whether or not the time category can be selected by the driver. Usually only the "drive" category can't be selected by the driver.
category Holds the system values of the currently active time category incl. the optional subcategory and the current category duration. If the time category "drive" is active, there is additional information available:
  • tracker: The vehicle with which the driver is currently driving. The title field holds the title of the vehicle, the statuslabel object lists the options for the private status of a trip (may differ from vehicle to vehicle) and is indexed by their system value.
    • title: Title of the private status.
    • color: Color of the private status which can be one of the following options: red, orange, yellow, green, cyan, blue, purple, pink, brown, lightgray, darkgray, black.
    • private: Determines if the private status is private (thus no addresses will be visible in the logbook).
  • alert: Details about the start of the trip:
    • id: The ID of the trip which is immutable.
    • date: The starting date of the trip.
    • address: The starting address of the trip.
    • private: The current private status of the trip which must be one of the keys from category.tracker.statuslabels. If the status of the current trip is private, the duration of the trip will be considered as rest instead of working time.
    • category: An optional string to categorize the trip.
    • note: An optional string to add notes to the trip.
tracker The vehicle that the driver is currently connected with, meaning that the driver scanned the QR code of the respective car. Only relevant if "mode" is "qr".

5.2. Get account status

  API endpoint: 
  Request type: GET
  Authorization: driver [DRIVER_TOKEN, e.g. 1ad35ddc5934cff26c650c7e8d28a395] 

A simplified endpoint which is similar to the one described at "5.1. Get account details" but only returns the active time category and the vehicle that the driver is currently connected with. In order to make sure that the user interface is up-to-date you might want to query this endpoint regularly as these fields might change on the server side (e.g. after a trip has ended, the category will change from "drive" to another category like "work" or "rest").

Request example

curl -X GET \
     -H "Authorization: driver 1ad35ddc5934cff26c650c7e8d28a395"

Response example #1
(HTTP response code: 200 OK)

  "category": {
    "category": "drive",
    "subcategory": "",
    "duration": 360,
    "tracker": {
      "title": "Beispielfahrzeug",
      "statuslabels": {
        "0": {
          "title": "Undefiniert",
          "color": "darkgray",
          "private": false
        "3": {
          "title": "Betrieblich",
          "color": "blue",
          "private": false
        "2": {
          "title": "Privat, sichtbar",
          "color": "yellow",
          "private": false
        "1": {
          "title": "Privatfahrt",
          "color": "red",
          "private": true
        "4": {
          "title": "An-/Heimfahrt",
          "color": "black",
          "private": false
      "alert": {
        "id": "123456",
        "address": "Stephansplatz 1, 1010 Wien, Österreich",
        "private": "0",
        "category": "",
        "note": ""
  "tracker": {
    "title": "Beispielfahrzeug"

Response example #2
(HTTP response code: 200 OK)

  "category": {
    "category": "work",
    "subcategory": "3c16d5",
    "duration": 360,
  "tracker": {
    "title": "Beispielfahrzeug"

Response data

Format of response data equals the one described at "5.1. Get account details" with the difference that only the fields category and tracker are returned.

5.3. Set new time category

  API endpoint: 
  Request type: PUT
  Authorization: driver [DRIVER_TOKEN, e.g. 1ad35ddc5934cff26c650c7e8d28a395] 

This endpoint is used to set a new time category for the given driver. Note that you can only set a new time category if the category currently active is "selectable" (see "categories" at "5.1. Get account details") and the time category that you're about to set is "selectable" too.

Request parameters

Parameter Description
The system value of the new time category.
The system value of the new time subcategory. Note that if there are subcategories available for a category, the subcategory is required.

Request example

curl -X PUT \
     -H "Authorization: driver 1ad35ddc5934cff26c650c7e8d28a395" \
     -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
     -d '{ "category":"rest", "subcategory":"" }'

Response example #1 (success)
(HTTP response code: 200 OK)

  "message": "Category `rest` has been set successfully.",
  "category": {
    "category": "rest",
    "subcategory": "",
    "duration": 360,
  "tracker": {
    "title": "Beispielfahrzeug"

Response example #2 (error, trying to unset an active category that is not "selectable")
(HTTP response code: 400 Bad Request)

  "message": "Cannot unset current category."

Response example #3 (error, trying to set an active category that is not "selectable")
(HTTP response code: 400 Bad Request)

  "message": "Invalid category or subcategory."

Response data

In case of a successful request, you get a confirmation message as well as the current category and tracker, just as if you had queried the account status endpoint. For further details see "5.2. Get account status".

5.3. Set new tracker (QR-mode only)

  API endpoint: 
  Request type: PUT
  Authorization: driver [DRIVER_TOKEN, e.g. 1ad35ddc5934cff26c650c7e8d28a395] 

If the driver is in QR-mode (see "mode" at "5.1. Get account details"), you can set a new tracker by sending the tracker token to this endpoint. The trackers' QR-codes hold their respective tracker tokens, thus by scanning a QR-code you will get the token required.

One driver can only have one tracker connected and one tracker can only be connected to one driver. Therefore when setting a new tracker, the tracker that has been connected to the driver before will automatically be unset. Also if another driver has been connected to the newly assigned tracker, that connection will be unset too.

Note that it is not possible to set a new tracker if there is another driver currently connected with this tracker who has "drive" set as category. This means that if driver A is currently driving, driver B has to wait until this trip has ended before he can be connected with this tracker.

Request parameters

Parameter Description
The token of the tracker.
(e.g. 57a41d6b0064128c)

Request example

curl -X PUT \
     -H "Authorization: driver 1ad35ddc5934cff26c650c7e8d28a395" \
     -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
     -d '{ "tracker_token":"57a41d6b0064128c" }'

Response example #1 (success)
(HTTP response code: 200 OK)

  "message": "Tracker `57a41d6b0064128c` has been set successfully.",
  "category": {
    "category": "rest",
    "subcategory": "",
    "duration": 360,
  "tracker": {
    "title": "Beispielfahrzeug"

Response example #2 (error, trying to set a new tracker that is connected with a driver who is currently in "drive" category)
(HTTP response code: 400 Bad Request)

  "message": "Cannot unset current driver while `drive` category is active."

Response data

In case of a successful request, you get a confirmation message as well as the current category and tracker, just as if you had queried the account status endpoint. For further details see "5.2. Get account status".

5.4. Unset tracker (QR-mode only)

  API endpoint: 
  Request type: DELETE
  Authorization: driver [DRIVER_TOKEN, e.g. 1ad35ddc5934cff26c650c7e8d28a395] 

Use this endpoint to unset the connection between the given driver and the connected tracker (if one exists). Note that it is not possible to unset the tracker if the driver is currently in "drive" category.

Request example

curl -X DELETE \
     -H "Authorization: driver 1ad35ddc5934cff26c650c7e8d28a395"

Response example #1 (success)
(HTTP response code: 200 OK)

  "message": "Tracker has been unset successfully.",
  "category": {
    "category": "rest",
    "subcategory": "",
    "duration": 360,
  "tracker": {
    "title": "Beispielfahrzeug"

Response example #2 (error, trying to unset the tracker while is in "drive" category)
(HTTP response code: 400 Bad Request)

  "message": "Cannot unset tracker as driver has `drive` category active."

Response data

In case of a successful request, you get a confirmation message as well as the current category and tracker, just as if you had queried the account status endpoint. For further details see "5.2. Get account status".

5.5. Update trip details

  API endpoint: 
  Request type: PUT
  Authorization: driver [DRIVER_TOKEN, e.g. 1ad35ddc5934cff26c650c7e8d28a395] 

While the driver is in the "drive" time category, details of the trip can be modified. There are currently three settings available that correspond to fields in category.tracker.alert in the data seen in "5.1. Get account details":

  • private: The private status of the trip. Integer value that needs to correspond to one of system values of category.tracker.statuslabels in the data seen in "5.1. Get account details"
  • category: The category of the trip. String value between 2 and 200 characters. Allowed special characters: .:,;-_!?()[]+*/=%&#~@'
  • note: A note for the trip. String value between 2 and 200 characters. Allowed special characters: .:,;-_!?()[]+*/=%&#~@'

Request example

curl -X PUT \
     -H "Authorization: driver 1ad35ddc5934cff26c650c7e8d28a395" \
     -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
     -d '{ "private":"3", "category":"Kundentermin", "note":"Kunde Fa. Beispiel-Bau" }'

Response example

  "message": "Data has been saved successfully.",
  "category": {
    "category": "drive",
    "subcategory": "",
    "duration": 360,
    "tracker": {
      "title": "Beispielfahrzeug",
      "statuslabels": {
        "0": {
          "title": "Undefiniert",
          "color": "darkgray",
          "private": false
        "3": {
          "title": "Betrieblich",
          "color": "blue",
          "private": false
        "2": {
          "title": "Privat, sichtbar",
          "color": "yellow",
          "private": false
        "1": {
          "title": "Privatfahrt",
          "color": "red",
          "private": true
        "4": {
          "title": "An-/Heimfahrt",
          "color": "black",
          "private": false
      "alert": {
        "id": "123456",
        "address": "Stephansplatz 1, 1010 Wien, Österreich",
        "private": "3",
        "category": "Kundentermin",
        "note": "Kunde Fa. Beispiel-Bau"
  "tracker": {
    "title": "Beispielfahrzeug"

Response data

In case of a successful request, you get a confirmation message as well as the current category and tracker, just as if you had queried the account status endpoint. The category.tracker.alert node holds the newly set values for private status, category and note of the trip. For further details see "5.2. Get account status".

6. Workdays

6.1. Get workday report

  API endpoint:[DATE] 
  Request type: GET
  Authorization: driver [DRIVER_TOKEN, e.g. 1ad35ddc5934cff26c650c7e8d28a395] 

This endpoint delivers a full report for the requested date. The date has to be set in the URL (format: yyyy-mm-dd).

Request example

curl -X GET \
     -H "Authorization: driver 1ad35ddc5934cff26c650c7e8d28a395"

Response example

  "summary": {
    "start": 32400,
    "duration": 61200,
    "trackers": {
      "Beispielfahrzeug": {
        "distance": 100000,
        "duration": 3600
      "LKW Nr. 123": {
        "distance": 180000,
        "duration": 7200
  "data": [
      "start": 32400,
      "duration": 3600,
      "category": "Lenkzeit",
      "icon": "drive",
      "tracker": "Beispielfahrzeug",
      "start_odometer": 80000000,
      "end_odometer": 80100000,
      "distance": 100000
      "start": 36000,
      "duration": 1800,
      "category": "Sonstige Arbeitszeit › Büroarbeit",
      "icon": "work"
      "start": 37800,
      "duration": 1800,
      "category": "Lenkzeit",
      "icon": "drive",
      "tracker": "LKW Nr. 123",
      "start_odometer": 200000000,
      "end_odometer": 200060000,
      "distance": 60000
      "start": 39600,
      "duration": 3600,
      "category": "Lenkpause (Arbeitsbereitschaft)",
      "icon": "standby"
      "start": 43200,
      "duration": 3600,
      "category": "Ruhezeit",
      "icon": "rest"
      "start": 46800,
      "duration": 3600,
      "category": "Sonstige Arbeitszeit › Büroarbeit",
      "icon": "work"
      "start": 50400,
      "duration": 5400,
      "category": "Lenkzeit",
      "icon": "drive",
      "tracker": "LKW Nr. 123",
      "start_odometer": 200060000,
      "end_odometer": 200180000,
      "distance": 120000
      "start": 55800,
      "duration": 5400,
      "category": "Sonstige Arbeitszeit › Sonstiges",
      "icon": "work"
  "comments": [
    "Ein erster Testkommentar.",
    "Kommentar Nr. 2"

Response data

Field Description
summary An object holding a basic summary of the working day requested:
  • start: Start of working day seconds (0 = 0:00:00, 86399 = 23:59:59).
  • duration: Duration of working day seconds. The sum of start and duration gives the end of the working day (0 = 0:00:00, 86399 = 23:59:59).
  • trackers: A list of trackers driven during the working day, indexed by tracker title.
    • distance: The total distance driven in meters.
    • duration: The total duration of all trips in seconds.
data All time entries of the working day in detail:
  • start: Start of the time entry in seconds (0 = 0:00:00, 86399 = 23:59:59).
  • duration: Duration of the time entry in seconds.
  • category: Output title of the time category incl. subcategory (if applicable), also see categories in "5.1. Get account details".
  • icon: An icon for the time category. For a list of options see "5.1. Get account details".
Time entries of the "drive" category have a few additional values:
  • tracker: The title of the tracker.
  • start_odometer: The mileage in meters at the beginning of the trip.
  • end_odometer: The mileage in meters at the end of the trip.
  • distance: The distance in meters (equals end_odometer - start_odometer).
comments A list of comments added by the driver for the day requested (e.g. to correct errors because of faulty operation).

› API overview

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